The Metaphysical Money Manual
Shift from stuck, scarcity survival to an abundant money magnet without hard work. in less than an hour
A simple step-by-step course exposing the spiritual science of why "the rich get richer" & how you can join them using the forbidden secrets that will make it finally click, Become a money magnet now...
What 1,100+ students are saying about The Metaphysical Money Manual ↓
What's in the course?
"Money is either your God Or Devil, it should be neither." ~ Lesson 1
🔥 The world's best way to never attract CRAZY amounts of money, is to see it as a survival mechanism. Lesson 1 helps you see money beyond survival, so you can start living!
🔥 Money isn't in your bank account, wallet, or purse it's in your energy field! Lesson 2 exposes how money is an energy and how to align with it, after that, it'll flow to you.
🔥 Warning! False money beliefs are causing blockages in the universal flow of money coming to you. Lesson 3 exposes 12 false beliefs and hands you 12 beliefs of the rich.
🔥 How your loved ones can keep you broke with their love! Lesson 4 exposes the sneaky-parasitic social agreements that trap you, when you break them, you break the cycle.
🔥 These 7 Attractor Fields make sure you're only attracting the energy of abundance from work to business people and opportunities, locked in the vault of Lesson 5.
🔥 This final missing link will open the doors to defeating poverty, worry, and anxiety, once and for all opening the door for relaxation, Lesson 6 is the key.
& There is a secret bonus module which is 7 years and 300 books worth of knowledge...
The Wrong way To Attract Money
You've tried working harder, saving more, and probably even reading finance books but nothings working...
You're trapped in a cycle of money hell, where no matter what you do you always end up with the same amount.
The dark truth is that the longer you're in this frequency of being stuck, the more addicted you become...
Which is why breaking out this cycle should be #1 priority.
Imagine digging yourself into a deeper hole every day while slowly having cement poured on top of you, it's like that.
Hustling, grinding, and doing everything you can on the physical plane to make more money is the wrong way...
The Right Way To Attract Money
Imagine a reality where you feel like a literal money magnet.
Imagine a reality where you feel like the universe is financially on your side.
Imagine a reality that gifts you with unexpected money like it's your birthday.
Imagine a reality where you don't feel like you're chasing money, it's chasing you.
Imagine a reality where you can really relax without a financial review happening in your head.
Imagine a reality where you can finally enjoy spending money without planning costs ahead of time in your head.
The good news is you don't have to imagine anything because this is the reality waiting for you...
The Metaphysical Money Manual has one purpose, to turn your money dreams into realities, this is the right way...

You Need The Metaphysical Money Manual If ↓
🔴 You've been learning about the law of attraction and manifestation BUT you feel stuck in your progress.
🔴 You have experienced poverty or scarcity in your childhood and find yourself repeating the same patterns in your adult life.
🔴 You're working on building financial independence, security, and wealth.
🔴 You've tried everything else to improve your financial situation, break through your ceiling and create massive abundance in your life BUT nothing has worked.
It's not your fault that you've been struggling with money.
It's not because you don't deserve better. It's not because you're dumb.
And it's not your parents' fault either. They just didn't know any better.
But you will take responsibility for your own financial abundance, freedom and security from this moment on.
Taking responsibility is going to liberate you.
And it won't be hard. Do you know why?
Because you have the infinite wisdom and power of God on your side.
And you're about to receive the right knowledge that will activate this power within you.
So, as long as you follow my step-by-step instructions you're going to create more abundance than you can imagine.
And this abundance will help you experience and spread more peace, joy and higher consciousness in the world.
Now that we covered this, here's the second thing you NEED to know.
The 4 Things that Keep You, and the Majority of the World, in Poverty.
Your beliefs, your social contracts, your vibration, and lack of information.
The combination is lethal ☠️
It creates loops in your reality.
❌ Loops of making money and losing it.
❌ Loops of scarcity, anxiety and fear.
❌ Loops of meeting people who reflect this energy back to you.
The majority of people spend their entire lives struggling with those loops and accepting poverty as normal.
But you know that you can do better.
There's something inside of you that keeps telling you you can change it. You can break out of it.
And this is exactly why you're here, reading this page.
Because your time has arrived.
Your time to break generational patterns, to claim a new reality, to step into life empowered and conscious of how to create money in your reality.
Who is this guy talking all this stuff?
Hey friend, my name is Nero.
You see, growing up on a council estate being raised by two angels (my mom and my aunty), and watching them work harder than they should have but always struggle.
I grew up around poverty and scarcity, hiding from bailiffs that were banging on the door.
And believe me, I was well on the way to repeating the generational pattern of poverty that ran in my family and community…
I just always knew there was something about this world we didn’t know but the people at the top did.
Eventually, I got introduced to, ancient civilizations, secret societies, ancient spirituality, the universal laws, etc and I just never stopped reading.
It took me 7 years of esoteric study, and nearly 300 books read to get to where I am today.
So I decided to take the gems from all the books, filter out the rubbish, and integrate them into my life, and it changed RAPIDLY.
Once I discovered these secrets of the metaphysics of money energy everything changed.
I’ve gone on to manifest 2 businesses that have produced 6 figures...
Become an owner of a care home...
Become an owner of a start-up AI company...
All by using the secrets of the universe without having to do corny new-age stuff.
Statistically, I should be in jail, dead, or a drug-addict but just like this knowledge changed my life, let it change yours.

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